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  • The 24 Digital Nomad Visa Deals in 2023

The 24 Digital Nomad Visa Deals in 2023

Looking to settle down for a year or more? Compare these visa deals first.

If you constantly hop from country to country, then you’ve likely never had a visa unceremoniously glued between the pages of your passport. But if you’re looking to settle down for awhile, that sticky piece of paper becomes critical.

In the past, citizens of the U.S. and E.U. could ordinarily reside in most countries just 3-6 months of the year for tourism. Staying longer meant a complicated visa process, paying taxes, and more headaches. But those old rules are rapidly changing.

Many nations have recently introduced special digital nomad visas that allow you to live while earning income remotely. In this week’s article, we’ll break down the best digital nomad visas that let you to stay for a year or more.

What is a digital nomad visa?

This emerging visa class is designed for people who want to live in a country while generating income from a foreign-based business or employer (i.e. a digital nomad.) Typically, you can stay up to a year, and extensions are often possible.

Many digital nomad visas require zero tax payments. Some countries make you fork over income taxes after residing there 183 days of the year. While this is rarely enforced, it’s something you want to keep in mind if you’re trying to keep everything kosher.


Eastern Europe is one of those places that most travelers overlook, but it’s hard to overlook some of these sweet visa deals. Georgia tops the list with $0 application fees and a minimum annual income of just $24,000 (Ok, technically it’s in Asia, but close enough.) Entrepreneurs can also save massively on taxes, paying a measly 1% if they earn less than $188,000 per year.

Meanwhile, Spain and Portugal offer digital nomad visas that let you renew annually for a maximum of 5 and 4 years, respectively. Portugal also levies no taxes on income earned outside the country.

Latin American & Caribbean

For a mere 25 bucks, you can stay up to three years in the Bahamas and pay nothing in taxes. Not a bad deal.

Down in South America, Ecuador is the only country that doesn’t take cut of digital nomads’ earnings abroad. Mexico and Costa Rica also charge nothing on foreign-earned income, though you will need to earn over $30K a year to qualify for their visa.

Asia & Africa

A thousand miles off the east coast of Africa lies the small island nation of Mauritius. The country’s website proudly proclaims that it charges $0 for its visa and doesn’t require a minimum income. On the other side of the continent, the Cape Verde islands offer what might be an even sweeter deal: a $60 visa with no income tax.

Over in the nomad mecca of Thailand, you can access a 10-year visa if you earn at least $80,000 a year. A discounted tax rate of 17% is applied for those on Thailand’s nomad visa.